Massage & Bodywork

MAY | JUNE 2016

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DS 3 Different Strokes is published by Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 800-458-2267 Karrie Osborn, editor, Nguyen Pham, graphic designer, Laura Embleton, government relations director, BEST ADVICE ABMP BizFit Tip A successful practice is what everyone wants, but not everyone gets. What are the areas you wish you could improve on to make your practice a healthier one? Is it a discomfort with money and not charging what you're worth? Do you wish you had a better grasp on social media and how it could strengthen your business? Or maybe you just need some marketing ideas to reinvigorate your practice? ABMP offers advice on these issues and so much more in our Successful Practice Toolkits found under "Business Management" at www. And watch for ABMP BizFit Successful Practice Workshops happening across the country this fall. Have you sent the newest issue of Body Sense magazine to your clients? This digital- only consumer publication is fi lled with useful information that promotes healthy living, including the value of frequent massage and bodywork. This free marketing tool is an easy way to reinforce the positive effects of therapeutic touch. Send it today. Go to "Body Sense magazine" in the "Marketing Center" to get started. We hope you saw the Practice IQ Test in the March/April issue of Massage & Bodywork magazine (page 22). This fun exercise is meant to uncover any cracks in your core successful-practice essentials, like self-care, marketing and promotion, and client retention. Check out this insightful, yet humorous article from ABMP President Les Sweeney and Manager of Professional Development Kristin Coverly at www.massageandbodyworkdigital. com/i/640605-march-april-2016/24. Test Your Practice IQ This free marketing tool is an easy way to reinforce the positive effects of therapeutic touch. Body Sense magazine" in the "Marketing A public education magazine brought to you by Massage Your Gateway to Body Awareness Tipping What Do Therapists Expect? What Should You Do? spring 2016 Body Sense massage, bodywork & healthy living PLUS Reiki's effectiveness for pain reduction Movement Therapies Strengthen Your Body and Accentuate Your Healing } Movement Therapies }

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