Massage & Bodywork

MAY | JUNE 2016

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C h e c k o u t A B M P 's l a t e s t n e w s a n d b l o g p o s t s . Av a i l a b l e a t w w w. a b m p . c o m . 13 ON THE WEB A recent news story prompted waves of feedback about safely cleaning sheets. I have always used massage cream. My sheets have never had a rancid smell. The cream washes out without a problem. I have some sheets that are fi ve years old and still look and feel fairly new. I throw them out when they wear out. DEBBIE BROWN I only use sunfl ower oil. I wash my sheets with Persil detergent and the oil comes right out, as does the smell. For a heavily stained spot, I just pretreat then wash later. My dryer also has a cool-down cycle. With a mechanic husband, I know to be careful with oils in the wash. ANGELA SIGNORELLO Pine Sol breaks down oils like a charm. It's the best laundry soap booster for oils I have ever used. URSULA SCHMIDT-JORDAN I use coconut oil because I'm allergic to the additives/preservatives in commercial massage creams. I always add a cup of vinegar to my sheets when I wash them. This always gets the residue out. KARYN LENHART Check out eight years of back issues, as well as digital-only articles like "Moving Lymph Around the Cranial Nerves," by Bruno Chikly in the January/February 2016 issue, page 131. TRENDING ON FACEBOOK M&B ONLINE LATEST BLOG POSTS WITH ABMP, YOUR WEBINAR CE IS FREE! 100+ on-demand webinars. $0 for CE hours. More reasons than ever to be an ABMP member. Here are four options to check out: • "Active Engagement Techniques" with Whitney Lowe • "Assessment and Methods for the Shoulder Girdle" with Douglas Nelson • "Aston Kinetics for Fascial Integration" with Judith Aston • "Balancing Art and Science in Massage Therapy Education" with Carole Osborne 3 Tips for Setting Intention with Your Social Media Presence Having a clear intention is crucial to the success of your social media messaging. Here are some tips from ABMP's social media and marketing coordinator on how to post with purpose. The 411 on Massage & Bodywork Liability Insurance Not sure why you might need liability insurance for your massage or bodywork practice? Our helpful ebook will give you an overview of the insurance you need in a language you can understand. 5 Questions with Susan Epperly: Clothes Encounters, A Touch of Humor An interview with Massage & Bodywork contributor Susan Epperly on her recent article "Clothes Encounters" and her massage comic A Touch of Humor.

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