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C h e c k o u t A B M P 's l a t e s t n e w s a n d b l o g p o s t s . Av a i l a b l e a t w w w. a b m p . c o m . 21 SPEAK YOUR MIND Do you trade services with other MTs or health-care workers? How often and how do you make it work? I trade with two different therapists: one who is great at working out all the kinks with cupping and deep tissue, and another who creates an environment where I can relax and feel nurtured. It's the best of both worlds! ANNETTE MONTGOMERY INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA I trade with another LMT. Our original plan was to get together once a week alternating giving or receiving a massage. It sounds simple, but doesn't always work out with two independent massage therapists' schedules. When things are busy, it can stretch out to a month between sessions. We book an appointment with each other and treat it like any other client, but no money is exchanged. We use whoever's room is giving the massage, unless otherwise arranged. It's a good idea to get a massage in your own treatment room once in a while too, but that's another topic. REBECCA MONINGHOFF DALE CITY, VIRGINIA I have traded massage with other MTs in the past, but I prefer to pay for their service and just receive the work. I have found that I don't get as much out of the experience when I have to "earn it" by working for free. On the other hand, I barter massage for other services that I can't afford, such as a personal trainer. He can't afford massage as he just started his business, yet he really needs the work. I need his services to get in shape and stay strong for my practice. It is a win-win! JENNIFER FOLEY SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT What's your cancellation policy? Do you enforce it? Publication Date: Jan/Feb What do you do to recharge your batteries? Publication Date: Mar/Apr Email your responses to Your submission can be as short as you'd like and up to 250 words. Upcoming Topics FROM FACEBOOK I do a monthly trade with a colleague. We book each other into our regular client schedule rather than a back-to-back trade; that way, we can both receive bodywork on our days off. We also work in a similar style, so we "get" each other. We both supplement with other work, but the monthly trade has been effective for the last six years. MAURA BANK I trade with one LMT monthly and another biweekly. We schedule in advance. We do not trade on the same day. CAROLYN KRAFKA Yes, we trade as needed. We call and schedule a time as if we were a paying client. KATHY ABRIL Well, we try. Hubby and I are both LMTs. Life gets in the way a lot ... LAURA IJAMES FROM TWITTER I trade monthly massages with an MT. We could pay each other, but it would be awkward to pass the same money back and forth. @EMERGEMASSAGE

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