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C h e c k o u t A B M P 's l a t e s t n e w s a n d b l o g p o s t s . Av a i l a b l e a t w w w. a b m p . c o m . 95 5 Steps to Getting Clients to Rebook The art of getting clients to rebook includes more than just asking them to (although, yes, that's incredibly important, and we'll get to that). It's about creating value for your work in your clients' minds—value that motivates clients to overcome the all- too-common barriers of time and money to come back on a regular basis. So, how do you showcase that value? feeling; be ready to help them with a self- assessment if they need it. Then, put your active listening skills to work; repeat back what you heard and work together to create a unique plan for the session. This is also the perfect opportunity to catch and discuss any unrealistic expectations the client has about what might be accomplished in one session and set realistic goals together. 2 CONNECT THE DOTS Wouldn't it be lovely if clients would intuitively recognize all the benefi ts of the bodywork they're receiving during and after their session? Sometimes they do—which is fantastic—but often they don't because, let's face it, they don't understand all the potential benefi ts of the work. It's our job to educate and help them understand. As soon as the session ends, their mind might already be racing off to the next item on their to-do list. Help clients hit the pause button and assign value to the work they just received from you by recognizing the physical and emotional changes that occurred during the session. Check in with them about all the areas of concern they had before the session and ask how differently each is feeling now: More range of motion? Less pain? Decreased anxiety? Etc. This is such an important step, because if they don't connect the dots between how differently they feel after the session versus before— and how benefi cial your work is—they may be less motivated to come back for more. 3 ASK FOR IT … NOW! The absolute number-one rule for rebooking success: ask clients to book their next appointment right after the session, when they're still with you in person and you both have your calendars in front of you. And, most importantly, ask when they're smack dab in the middle of experiencing how great your work feels and they're fully What's Your Come-Back Strategy? By Kristin Coverly 1 GET PERSONAL Clients say one of the main reasons they don't return to a therapist is that they didn't get the session they asked for. 1 Every client comes to their session with unique goals and needs—unique from other clients, but also unique from one session to the next. I've been working with some of my clients for 15 years, and they come to each appointment with new requests for areas of focus, specifi c injury work, or stress reduction. Start every session by asking your clients what their needs, wants, and goals are for your time together. It might take them a minute to fi gure out how they're actually