Massage & Bodywork


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94 m a s s a g e & b o d y wo r k n ove m b e r/d e ce m b e r 2 0 2 3 ABMP CONTINUING EDUCATION NEW ABMP CE COURSES FROM ALLISON DENNEY Featured during the 2023 ABMP CE Summit: Sidelying event, these new courses f rom Allison Denney of Rebel Massage demystify the sidelying position and give practitioners effective techniques they can easily incorporate into their next session. Learn how to simplify client positioning and draping while Allison demonstrates targeted stretches and techniques— including pin-and-stretch, active engagement, and eccentric contraction—for the shoulder, back, and hip. Allison's humor, expertise, and unique teaching style will inspire you to break out of your comfort zone and tap into the benefi ts of working with clients in the sidelying position! ABMP members can explore more than 750 hours of video-based content in the ABMP Education Center to learn and earn free CE on techniques, anatomy, ethics, business, and self- care. Nonmembers can purchase courses for $30 or less. Find a course you'll love at TRENDING COURSES FROM ALLISON DENNEY ▲ A Combined Approach: Hands-On and Cupping Techniques for Neck Fascia ▲ A Detailed Approach to Low-Back Pain ▲ A Detailed Approach to General Neck Pain ▲ A Global Approach to the Knee A DETAILED APPROACH TO SIDELYING TECHNIQUES Part 1—Shoulder | 1 CE hour Part 2—Back | 1 CE hour Part 3—Hip | 1 CE hour TECHNIQUE LEARN AND EARN FREE CE: ABMP.COM/LEARN 1. Open your camera 2. Scan the code 3. Tap on notification 4. Learn and earn f ree CE

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