Massage & Bodywork

MAY | JUNE 2018

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30 m a s s a g e & b o d y w o r k m a y / j u n e 2 0 1 8 TABLE LESSONS best practices "That's my killer stroke," my client said emphatically. "Every player has a power move, and mine is the backhand. For many tennis players, the backhand is their weaker stroke. Knowing that, opposing players will aim the ball to the backhand side. When they do that to me, they are unknowingly playing to my strength." From Mr. H.'s facial expression and the intensity of his gaze, it was obvious he was closely observing me for confirmation that I "got" what he was saying and how important it was. As a high-level tennis player, he was used to reading an opponent's body language. He was using the same skills of observation on me now. In my experience, high-performance clients, such as athletes, dancers, and musicians, want assurance that their health-care provider understands the specific demands of their chosen field. Without that specific understanding, broadly applied strategies more appropriate for the general population are likely to fail. (I remember one client who, while he was getting a doctorate degree in the viola, was told by a doctor that he might think of switching instruments. Without hesitation, he asked the doctor if he ever thought about becoming a veterinarian. Someone Gets Me By Douglas Nelson

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