Massage & Bodywork

MAY | JUNE 2018

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Developing a unique modality and being subsequently recognized for the past three years in San Francisco's 7X7 magazine as the best lymphatic drainage massage therapist in the Bay Area wasn't enough for Michelle Bravo. So she decided to run for mayor. "I want to let all massage therapists know that no matter what your background is, and what you do in terms of bodywork and caring for others, there are many ways to support and be of service to your community," Bravo says, "and running for mayor is definitely one of those things." Bravo says the popularity of her practice is a result of the hard work she has done to cultivate the trust of San Francisco area dentists, oncologists, orthopedic surgeons, and plastic surgeons who have referred their patients to her for over 12 years. In 2006, while she was working almost exclusively with plastic surgery patients, Bravo developed her trademarked manual technique, EOS Lymphatic Massage. "Surgery can provide many opportunities for whole-body holistic transformation," she says. "Clients often refer to me as a bridge for their pre- to post-op process." Bravo offers this advice to new therapists: "Explore and learn what areas in the holistic realm of service you genuinely enjoy giving and receiving. Find ways to combine all of what you love and create your own unique service(s). Fine-tuning your own techniques can allow you to shine brightly." Michelle Bravo Advice for holistic community service Photo by Brand New Films ABMP MEMBER PROFILE By Brandon Twyford Editor, Online & Digital Strategy |

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