Massage & Bodywork

MAY | JUNE 2018

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A B M P m e m b e r s e a r n F R E E C E a t w w w. a b m p . c o m / c e b y r e a d i n g M a s s a g e & B o d y w o r k m a g a z i n e 103 NEW PRODUCTS The Yoga of Leadership Bodyworkers understand the importance of the body-mind connection. Author Tarra Mitchell takes this knowledge one step further and integrates principles of yoga into a discussion of contemporary challenges for professionals. This guide has a wealth of wisdom for managers and business owners, and reminds us that personal well-being is directly connected to professional success. The 297-page paperback is $16.99 at,,, and wherever books are sold. Soothing Pain Relief Cream Performance Health, maker of Biofreeze Cold Therapy Pain Relief products, introduces Biofreeze Soothing Pain Relief Cream—a nonprescription, safe, and effective cooling pain relief alternative that is nonsystemic, non- narcotic, nonaddictive, and contains no nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or salicylates. A 3-ounce jar is $15.99 at Beach Yoga Mat Twisted Guru's luxurious, handcrafted Beach Yoga Mats measure an oversized 5' × 7'. Originally created for beach yoga, they are also perfect for meditation, sunbathing, picnics, and outdoor events. Each mat is one of a kind and is handmade from traditional and vintage Indian textiles, and is designed with underside corner pockets to fill with sand to hold them in place, even on a windy day. Each comes equipped with a hidden zipper pocket for valuables and a coordinated backpack for easy travel and storage. Prices range from $149–$169. View the collection at Shine New Age pianist and songwriter George Skaroulis has released a new album titled SHINE. Described as "music to nourish the soul," it offers Skaroulis's original compositions, along with his versions of some of his favorite songs inspired by film, and others inspired by artists including Bonnie Raitt, Billy Joel, Sam Smith, and Roberta Flack. Available as a CD or download for $16 at

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