Massage & Bodywork


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WHAT'S INSIDE? MARCH/APRIL 2018 FEATURES 56 SALVE FOR THE SOUL This long-time Massage & Bodywork contributor and Comfort Touch creator suggests we be present with hospice patients and reach out with touch and loving awareness. By Mary Kathleen Rose 58 BUILDING A MASSAGE PRACTICE FOR FRAIL, OLDER ADULTS Are you meant to work with this clientele? This author addresses the grace of the work and honors the challenges in elder care. By Mary Ann Konarzewski 72 DEATH, DYING, AND THE BREAKABILITY OF US ALL This author and founding director of the Society for Oncology Massage approaches mortality in this think piece about being human—and a bodywork practitioner. By Lauren Cates 82 DE-ROTATORS Learning about muscles that alter their actions when the position of the body changes is fundamental to understanding function, assessment, and treatment. By Joseph E. Muscolino, DC 91 THE TAX RULES, THEY ARE A-CHANGIN' The first significant reform of the US federal tax code since 1986 has yielded the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Can this act affect your practice and your personal finances? By Lisa Bakewell 112 64 ABMP MEMBER PROFILE: Jill Tschetter GROWING PAINS Massage in hospice care is a practice of returning respect and dignity to the dying, and these intentions must be cultivated within a safe foundation. By Irene Smith

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