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28 m a s s a g e & b o d y w o r k m a r c h / a p r i l 2 0 1 8 MINDFUL MONEY best practices As massage therapists and bodyworkers, we are generally quite good at working on the body. Coming into contact with bodies is comfortable for us. We know how to touch them and how to listen to them so we can decide how to help them feel better. When someone has a challenge with their body, we do not tend to be overwhelmed. We know how to slow down and be with the challenge. We trust that with kind and skilled touch, and well-intentioned awareness, the body will respond in a positive way. We also, you might say, have a financial body. It is not a body made of muscle, blood, and bone, but a body made of energy, value, and numbers. As practitioners, what makes the body of our finances so different and so challenging for us to be with? What if we were to apply similar techniques to the body of our finances as we do to a physical body? SHIFTING INTO BALANCE When we come into contact with a physical body in a challenged state, we do not turn away in fear; we are not overwhelmed or without hope. On the contrary, we look at the challenge as an opportunity to shift that which is out of balance into that which is healthy and stable. How do we do this? It begins by not placing judgment on the challenge. We never say, "This is a very bad shoulder; it is contracting in all the wrong places and barely getting any blood flow. It is a mess, and I just can't deal with it." Money Aware Finding Financial Balance and Harmony By Jennie Hastings