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A B M P m e m b e r s e a r n F R E E C E a t w w w. a b m p . c o m / c e b y r e a d i n g M a s s a g e & B o d y w o r k m a g a z i n e 17 FROM FACEBOOK My 24-hour cancellation policy. The client must cancel at least 24 hours in advance to avoid paying full-service price. The responses I get are either "OK, I totally understand" or "Um, no, that makes no sense." I let all clients know of this policy at their fi rst booking. NICOLE BEARD I have a four-hour cancellation policy and use online software now. A credit card is required to book the appointment. I got tired of that struggle. I guess now my biggest problem is if you come late, I still end on time. Sometimes, I will split the difference (10 minutes late, I will go 5 over), but only once. BECKY MX Looks like the resistance to the cancellation policy is an industry thing. I think it's because the vast majority of the population doesn't take us seriously. They think of massage as fun self-care instead of the health care it really is. It's cumulative. You don't exercise once and that's it. You don't eat a salad once and call it a diet. Don't get me started. GINGER MAGGRETT Enforcing the cancellation policy is the toughest. I ask for 24-hour notice as well, but am very lenient about it. If I can fi ll the spot, I don't sweat it. The no calls/no shows who want to rebook later without reimbursing me for lost revenue are the ones I struggle with. LIZ BARNARD For some reason, nobody ever wants to fi ll out the new client intake. They think it's a waste of time and nobody looks at it, anyway. We have to explain to them that it's necessary to help us treat them. LORI DUDLEY I would have to say for me, it's saying no to folks with contraindications. I explain my reasoning and I will still get "Aw, come on. It will be fi ne." No, it's not. I do not want what they have, nor do I want to make things worse. It's diffi cult turning folks away, as I want to help everyone. DENICE GRAY FROM TWITTER I hate enforcing my cancellation policy. No one likes paying for a missed appointment, but I have to enforce it because this is my livelihood. @EMERGEMASSAGE What is your favorite client education resource? Publication Date: Jan/Feb 2018 What is your vision of an ultimate massage experience? Publication Date: Mar/Apr 2018 Email your responses to Your submission can be as short as you'd like and up to 250 words. Upcoming Topics SPEAK YOUR MIND What is your least favorite offi ce policy to enforce?

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