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A B M P m e m b e r s e a r n F R E E C E a t w w w. a b m p . c o m / c e b y r e a d i n g M a s s a g e & B o d y w o r k m a g a z i n e 19 FROM FACEBOOK I would love to grow my practice with two more modalities in the near future, the fi rst being pediatric massage for children with autism. I would love to help children on the spectrum receive the gift of massage. The second is manual lymphatic drainage. I have been wanting to learn this modality for a long time just to add to my toolbox of massage know-how! ALANA SCOTT Biopsychosocial approach, dermoneuromodulation, and pain science, because working with the whole person through the nervous system and teaching them about the pain response has signifi cant value. MICHAEL DAVID Craniosacral. It has always interested me, plus my son was diagnosed with Tourette's a year ago, and I have read that this modality sometimes helps. TASHA MASSEY Cupping. Myofascial work is too hard on my hands, and I want to incorporate more of it in a way that is less painful for me and my clients. Also, somatic experiencing. I want to be able to assist healing the somatic system for trauma survivors. LINDSEY LUNA Cupping massage. I've witnessed clients who have received it (from other therapists) get good results. Especially post-rotator cuff repair. I've also noticed good results when receiving it myself. Hoping to take a course soon. LEERAE GROTH Trigger point therapy! I am working on learning by helping myself heal from an old whiplash injury. Just today I learned to get after my sternocleidomastoid for a lot of my issues. MICHELLE BRTEK-GAGNER I recently started training in Bowenwork, and the results are life-changing! Gentle touch to initiate the body's self-healing process, and it's easy on my body too! HEATHER BOYLE Myokinesthetics. Experienced this as a recipient this week and it's so easy on the client and therapist. Also a very effective therapy. LONNIE WINTERS Oncology massage. I want to be better able to help my family and friends who are battling cancer. MICHELLE LEAKE Rossiter System. So many of my clients would benefi t, since most desk workers need relief from structural pain. WILMA RABER FROM TWITTER Aromatherapy. For the added healing properties it can provide. @MAOFDALTON What is your least favorite offi ce policy to enforce? Explain. Publication Date: Nov/Dec What is your favorite client education resource? Publication Date: Jan/Feb 2018 Email your responses to Your submission can be as short as you'd like and up to 250 words. Upcoming Topics SPEAK YOUR MIND If you could add one more modality to your toolbox, what would it be, and why?