Massage & Bodywork


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A B M P m e m b e r s e a r n F R E E C E a t w w w. a b m p . c o m / c e b y r e a d i n g M a s s a g e & B o d y w o r k m a g a z i n e 17 ON THE WEB WEBINARS BLOG POSTS M&B ONLINE WITH ABMP, YOUR WEBINAR CE IS FREE! Your ABMP webinar options include: • "Assessment and Methods for the Shoulder Girdle" with Douglas Nelson Join Douglas Nelson for an enlightening exploration of the fascinating (and sometimes frustrating) complexity of the shoulder girdle. After a brief functional anatomy review, learn how to perform fast and highly effective assessment techniques for common shoulder problems. • "Learn to Palpate Effectively" with Joseph Muscolino, DC Discover how soft-tissue palpation can be learned and performed easily with commonsense guidelines. Joseph Muscolino teaches the importance of knowing the attachments of the target muscle, learning and understanding palpation guidelines in order to promote critical reasoning skills, and choosing the best action of the target muscle in order to engage it. ADVICE FROM THE PROS #1: WHITNEY LOWE Take a look at our first in a series of blog posts that will highlight best practices from leaders in the massage and bodywork field. GIVING BACK: IT'S NOT ALWAYS EASY, BUT IT ALWAYS MAKES A DIFFERENCE! ABMP senior editor Karrie Osborn reflects on the challenges and rewards that come from volunteering in one's community. Visit page 115 of the digital edition of this issue for two digital-only companion pieces to Ben Benjamin's article "Massage Therapy and Sexual Misconduct." • "How to Avoid Touching the Breasts in the Prone Position" gives further instruction on how to avoid this sensitive area in your massage sessions. • "A Pledge to Clients" provides language from ABMP's Code of Ethics that you can use to help educate clients and reinforce the message that the treatment room is a safe place for all clients.

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