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We can't tell our clients enough that they are the ones who hold the power in the massage therapy room. To further solidify this point, consider utilizing this language from Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals' Code of Ethics on your website as a way to educate clients and reinforce the message. A PLEDGE TO MY CLIENTS As your therapist, and as a member of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP), I pledge my commitment to offering you the best care I can, to working together toward positive treatment outcomes, and to adhering to the highest principles of the massage and bodywork profession, including: 1. Commitment to High-Quality Care I will serve the best interests of my clients at all times and provide the highest quality of bodywork and service possible. I recognize that the obligation for building and maintaining an effective, healthy, and safe therapeutic relationship with my clients is my responsibility. 2. Commitment to Do No Harm I will conduct a thorough health history intake process for each client to rule out contraindications or determine appropriate session adaptations. If I see signs of, or suspect, an undiagnosed condition that massage may be inappropriate for, I will refer that client to a physician or other qualified health- care professional and delay the massage session until approval from the physician has been granted. I understand the importance of ethical touch and therapeutic intent and will conduct sessions with the sole objective of benefitting the client. 3. Commitment to Honest Representation of Qualifications I will not work outside the commonly accepted scope of practice for massage therapists and bodywork professionals. I will only provide treatments and techniques for which I am fully trained and hold credible credentials. I will carefully evaluate the needs of each client and refer the client to another provider if the client requires work beyond my capabilities or beyond the capacity of massage and bodywork. digital extra A Pledge to Clients