Massage & Bodywork


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A B M P m e m b e r s e a r n F R E E C E a t w w w. a b m p . c o m / c e b y r e a d i n g M a s s a g e & B o d y w o r k m a g a z i n e 101 HAPPENINGS September INTERNATIONAL ESTHETICS, COSMETICS & SPA CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 24–25 FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA October FACE & BODY SOUTHEAST SPA CONFERENCE & EXPO OCTOBER 7–9 ATLANTA, GEORGIA GLOBAL WELLNESS SUMMIT OCTOBER 9–11 PALM BEACH, FLORIDA ABMP Instructors on the Front Lines (IFL) The IFL series "Peer Learning—How to Bring Out the Best in Your Students" is underway. ABMP will present: September 8 in Chicago, Illinois November 3 in Nashville, Tennessee For a list of workshops, visit International SPA Association Conference & Expo OCTOBER 16–18 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 888-651-4772 Don't miss the spa industry's premier event, which brings professionals from all sectors together in one location. This must-attend event features high- profi le keynotes, including Amy Cuddy, Daniel H. Pink, and Peyton Manning; and three days of speakers covering a range of topics, including business strategy, customer service, and management. This year, ABMP President Les Sweeney will present on employment for massage therapists. Plus, get a fi rst look at the latest spa products available from more than 215 companies. World Massage Festival AUGUST 6–9, 2018 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA Sa th Dat! 2017 ABMP School Forum School owners, directors, and instructors: join ABMP to educate, motivate, network, and talk shop with your peers about issues facing the massage education profession. Save your seat for the fi nal ABMP School Forum in 2017: October 6–7 CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA 800-458-2267

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