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WHAT'S INSIDE? JULY/AUGUST 2017 FEATURES 60 SHOULD HIV/AIDS DISCLOSURE BE ON THE INTAKE FORM? The therapeutic relationship hinges on quality communication between the therapist and client. But what should these clients have to disclose prior to a session—and why? By Jeremy King 64 BIG HEARTS The Heart Touch Project was created to bring touch to the lives of Americans with HIV and AIDS. Over the years, its mission has expanded to help children with the disease in other countries, including Cambodia. By Karrie Osborn 72 THE SHORTEST ROPE When stretching a functional group of muscles, this concept can help augment your work. Read more about how to integrate the multiplane stretching technique. By Joseph E. Muscolino, DC 82 BIODYNAMIC CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY BCST offers an understanding of craniosacral therapy as an energy medicine modality. Learn more about how its Breath of Life aspect plays into the work. By Scott Zamurut 112 HIV/AIDS: TODAY'S TRUTHS Since AIDS was fi rst detected in the 1980s, we've learned a great deal about the disease and those who live with it. But misunderstandings still exist, particularly around addressing the needs of massage clients with HIV or AIDS. This pathology expert dispels those myths and talks about providing bodywork for these clients. By Ruth Werner 52 ABMP MEMBER PROFILE: Gina Recto Smith T H E I S S UE A T H A N D H I V / A I D S Microphotograph of infected T cell: yellow specks are HIV.