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MINDFUL MONEY best practices 34 m a s s a g e & b o d y w o r k j u l y / a u g u s t 2 0 1 7 What is Success? By Jennie Hastings Being mindful about money means becoming aware of all the beliefs we carry about money. These beliefs come from the people who raised us, what society tells us, and our own experiences. This conditioning can make us feel insecure if we do not adhere to the norms we see expressed around us. If we are surrounded by people measuring success solely in financial terms, it is easy to be influenced into questioning the focus we may hold on other aspects of life. What is success, anyway? When I was younger, I had a very traditional version of success planted in my mind. I thought being successful had certain prerequisites, like making a lot of money, being married, having kids, driving a nice car, and living in a big house. I knew that having time to serve the community, have a spiritual practice, and rest and play were also important. I figured my mission was to find a way to get all of these things.