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C h e c k o u t A B M P 's l a t e s t n e w s a n d b l o g p o s t s . Av a i l a b l e a t w w w. a b m p . c o m . 21 SPEAK YOUR MIND Name one thing about your practice that you will improve this year. FROM FACEBOOK For 19 years, I have done whatever was needed to improve my practice. I believe strongly in continuous learning (not just CEs you need to renew licenses). Continue to learn and incorporate into an already awesome technique (per my client/patients). My plan is to work until I can't. I will be 72 years young this year and going strong. LINDA HATCH DEVINE I'm expanding my private practice to include no-charge sessions for active duty military members. As a military wife, it's important for me to give back to our community in ways that matter to those who selflessly give the best parts of their lives to make ours better. MELINDA HASTINGS I am celebrating 19 years as a therapist this month and I have finally incorporated my business, Lori Dudley Wellness, LLC, and plan on introducing [wellness] classes to my schedule. I believe it's important to understand why you need massage, why you feel a certain way after a massage, etc. To be a part of someone's well-being is truly an honor, and I want my clients to experience massage full circle. LORI DUDLEY If you could add one more modality to your toolbox, what would it be, and why? Publication Date: Sept/Oct What is your least favorite office policy to enforce? Explain. Publication Date: Nov/Dec Email your responses to Your submission can be as short as you'd like and up to 250 words. Upcoming Topics Increasing my professionalism. I recently relocated to a new office space with other like-minded professionals (mental health, etc.), and I feel like I am raising the bar for myself. MATT WININGS Having a stronger digital presence. Providing more education and inspiration to all who need it. NETTE FAIR My pace. I am consciously working on slowing down, slowing down, slowing down. It is impossible to work on 684 muscles in one hour ... just slow down. MARIE GALLAGHER FROM TWITTER After seven years, I'm starting to feel disconnected from my client base. In 2017, I'm focusing on rebuilding my relationship with them. @SALLY_CHAMNESS In 2017, I'm doing my best to educate clients. The more they know, the better it is for our relationship. @LELAKILLION FROM LINKEDIN Giving more self-care tips to my clients so they can take better care of themselves. LIZABETH SMULL Continuing to educate my network about the health and wellness benefits of massage and bodywork. Encouraging self- awareness to my clients for adjustments in their physical habits and guiding them on ways to improve posture for better functionality and performance in their fitness and daily routines. AMANDA DAVIS