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102 m a s s a g e & b o d y w o r k j u l y / a u g u s t 2 0 1 7 NEW PRODUCTS Myofascial Release: Healing Ancient Wounds John F. Barnes, PT, MT, has updated this pivotal text first published in 2000. It includes information on new research and scientific discoveries, as well as Barnes's vision of the larger picture. This book is filled with inspirational and insightful messages that can benefit and uplift all therapists. Available for $49.95 at 800-327-2425 or White Sage Smudge Spray Charged with quartz crystal-infused water and pink Himalayan sea salt, this spray can refresh any space. Rose and lemon essential oils increase the energy of sage, known for its cleansing, clearing properties. A 4-ounce bottle is available for $17.99 at Sciatica & Disc Issues Til Luchau's latest video covers his popular myofascial approaches that can dramatically improve your ability to work with both axial and appendicular sciatica, including pseudo- sciatica and disc-related sciatic pain, hamstring syndrome, piriformis syndrome, and more. This video (now available as a DVD, HD digital download, or rental) is on sale for $49.99 (normally $68.99), or rent it for just $19.99. Includes a free 50-page PDF course manual. For a limited time, ABMP members receive an additional 15 percent off using code ABMPSCIATICA at, or order by phone at 877-499-8811. Hand to Heel Softening Salve This healing, protective salve from Farmaesthetics is blended for hardworking hands. Its key ingredients include calendula (to mend tissue), peppermint and carrot oil (for tissue rejuvenation), beeswax (as a protective barrier to lock in moisture), and lavender (an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent). A xxx-ounce jar is available for $30 at

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