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READER FORUM C h e c k o u t A B M P 's l a t e s t n e w s a n d b l o g p o s t s . Av a i l a b l e a t w w w. a b m p . c o m . 13 EMAIL YOUR LETTERS TO EDITOR@ABMP.COM. INCLUDE YOUR FULL NAME AND THE CITY AND STATE IN WHICH YOU RESIDE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO EDIT LETTERS FOR LENGTH AND CLARITY. THE MEANING OF LIFE I am standing in the warm, delicious, and much-appreciated sunlight waiting for my next appointment. I decided to take these few moments to stretch and take a gander at my new Massage & Bodywork magazine, and perfectly turned to Benn Perry's short, sweet message [Mind of an MT, "Why? Getting to the Meaning of Life," March/ April, page 14]. Thank you. Life brings us everything we need and ask for just when we need it. If we pay attention and are present, these gifts are constant. I am having the most wonderful morning! I started my day with a blissful yoga practice in which I heard the other meaning of life: "To truly love yourself so you can show love to someone else so they may pass this along and the ripples keep going." To be present and in constant appreciation, we shine the brightest and share that love. ELIZABETH O'MALLEY PORTLAND, OREGON I can't agree with Benn Perry more. The only reason we are on the planet is to help each other! Not to make a ton of money or accumulate a ton of stuff; it's to be there for each other. I've been doing massage for 15 years now and had a contract with the city for 14 years doing between 85–95 massages a month for seniors in my office. They have so much to offer as far as knowledge and history, and such a strong work ethic. I will always work with them; that's where my heart is. So, thank you for the article. It touched home. I love what I do. KAREN WOODCOCK LAKEWOOD, COLORADO KUDOS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM Many thanks for Massage & Bodywork. There are always plenty of interesting items. Our tutors at Northern Institute of Massage look forward to reading about and using some of the techniques and advice to pass on to our students. EDDIE CALDWELL DIRECTOR OF THE NORTHERN INSTITUTE OF MASSAGE BURY, LANCASHIRE UK FACEBOOK FEEDBACK ON "WHY CLIENTS STRAY" (Regarding "Why Clients Stray," by Tera Johnson-Swartz, January/February, page 82), I think the most successful and authentic massage therapists are the ones who don't treat their clients as belonging to them. It's impossible to be all things to all people. If your client comes to you because they prefer starting prone or you finish at their feet, then starting them supine or ending at their head for no reason might chase them out the door. It's about communicating with our clients to find out what they need. Sometimes, we can adjust to meet their needs, and sometimes we can't—and sometimes we would just rather not sacrifice our comfort for theirs. TRUDI DIXON I love sharing my clients so they can get the different types of healing they need. Even if they decide they are a better fit with someone else, I feel happy for them, and it makes room for a new client who needs my help. Being possessive and jealous are terrible traits for a massage therapist to have. Bad energy. CHRISTINE DOUBLEU I believe clients and coworkers will sense a possessive attitude. When owning your own practice, it can be easy to look at a client base as your asset or property. In my mind, this is just as wrong as seeing your significant other in the same light. A successful therapist will build and honor a relationship with their client. Relationships change. When it does, do you want it to be a positive change or a negative one? We must always look out for the best interest of our clients and put away the ego. It has no place in a therapeutic relationship. GERRY BRUNNELL