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C h e c k o u t A B M P 's l a t e s t n e w s a n d b l o g p o s t s . Av a i l a b l e a t w w w. a b m p . c o m . 93 equal number of causes, including genetics, childhood abuse, confl ict, stressful life events, biochemical imbalances, substance abuse issues, and a range of personal problems. Nearly one-half of all people battling depression also have an anxiety disorder. While the symptoms of depression and anxiety are similar, they are technically different conditions. 1 There are any number of anxiety conditions, but they generally create panic, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, tension, and even dizziness. 2 There are dozens of potential causes of anxiety challenges, including genetics, childhood trauma, family or work problems, substance abuse, stressful events, and various physical illnesses. 3 Like depression, anxiety can be hard to treat. And, as with depression, many of us have moments or weeks of anxiety that we don't seek help for, mainly because we're overwhelmed or embarrassed. There are multiple allopathic methods for remedying depression and anxiety. These include prescription medication, psychotherapy, dietary and lifestyle changes, and relaxation therapy. At certain times in my life, I've struggled with anxiety and frequently found relief in therapy, diet changes, exercise, meditation, and spiritual activities. But I've also supported myself and clients in making inroads on these conditions, whether they were long- or short-term, with simple subtle energetic adjustments. I've found that subtle energy maneuvers can actually boost the Nearly one-half of all people battling depression also have an anxiety disorder. effectiveness of many types of allopathic and holistic approaches. FROM AN ENERGETIC PERSPECTIVE If a client shares that they are struggling with depressive or anxious feelings, or simply says they are overwhelmed by challenging emotions, there are two steps I take energetically. First, I can help the client fi gure out what percentage of the causal energies originated with them or someone else. Second, I can evaluate the direction and speed of their "energetic spin," the movement of subtle energy in their body. The fi rst issue, relating to the ownership of the challenging energy, is unique to the subtle energetic fi eld. I believe that up to 80 percent of the energy initiating a problem might be absorbed from somewhere, or someone, else. Put into simple terms, we can't process energy that isn't our own. Once it's stuck in our body, it can cause physical, psychological, or spiritual maladies. The idea that absorbed energies can create internal problems was introduced to me during my 20s. At that time, I was a heavy-duty participant in family systems therapy, as well as several 12-step programs, including Alcoholics Anonymous. These therapeutic models explained that we can "pick up energy" from others. For instance, if Dad is an alcoholic and ignores the shame he feels about his behavior, that shame can transfer into other family members. The same can occur with any other emotion. In my practice as an energy healer, I am constantly amazed at how frequently a client's problem is at least partially caused by subtle energies that are not their own. For example, I once worked with a highly successful CEO. The world saw him as capable and strong. He knew himself to be fi dgety and frightened. He had been offi cially diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. During our fi rst session, I asked my client to close his eyes and refl ect on this question: "What percentage of the anxiety is caused by your own energy versus someone else's?" His eyes popped open as he said, "Ninety percent of the fear is my mother's, 10 percent is mine." My client explained that his mother had been an extremely nervous woman. Raised during the Depression, she perceived even miniscule events as catastrophes. As a boy, my client had subconsciously absorbed her fears, seeking to soothe her anxiety and improve the quality of their family life. As stated, we can't process others' energies; they don't match our unique energetic signature. With regard to my client, his mother's energies were "jiggling" inside of him, causing much of his anxiety. At the end of this column, I'll provide a few tips about how to help clients release energies that aren't their own. I used several of those tips to help my client release his mother's energy. Within a month, he said he felt "like a normal human being."

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