Massage & Bodywork

September/October 2012

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Balance is Beautiful Make health and wellness habits by incorporating them into your everyday routine. Laura Cavanaugh in Hawaii says, "I train and condition myself for performing bodywork as if it is a sport. Exercise is paramount." Think of yourself as an athlete whose area of expertise is providing bodywork. Strive to perfect your body mechanics, just as a runner experiments with her stride to find the most effective method; and always aim for balance in your technique. "Use both sides of your body equally," says Donna Bambury of Massachusetts. "I had a tendency to rely on the right side to do much of my massage work, but that causes a lot of personal fatigue. I worked on strengthening my left side and now feel equally strong and confident on both sides." "Pretend you don't have thumbs. Work without them so you can save them." Adrienne Hardt, Nevada "My secret to success is seeing a talk therapist. Not only is she a great role model for good ethics, boundaries, and business success, but she helps me be a better and healthier person so I can be there for my clients." Alex Volzer, California Leisure Time One of the best ways to ensure you don't burn out is to not overdo it in the first place. "Don't ever let a business tell you that you have to work eight massages back-to-back every day," says Rebecca Wood of Texas. "Take breaks and know when to say no." Certainly, take some days off work to let your body recuperate, but also do your best to incorporate moments of rest into your workday, too. "Make sure you have time between sessions to relax, drink water, have a bite to eat, and visit the restroom," suggests Jill Nelson in Washington, D.C. "Personally, I schedule at least 30 minutes between each session." Make sure you connect with us to get your voice heard in next issue's Tell Me … @ABMPmassage mp "The biggest form of self-care for me was learning how to say the word 'no.' For such a tiny word, it's often the most challenging to pronounce." Stacey Brown, California "Ice, Ice, Baby!" Martha Nowatzki, Minnesota Visit the newly designed Log in. Explore. Enjoy. 27 tips & tricks

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