Massage & Bodywork

September/October 2012

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TELL ME … Why is Care of My Body the First Step Toward a Long and Fulfilling Career? ABMP Social Media Coordinator | By Abram Herman ABMP Facebook Every day 1% A few times a week 7% Once a week 11% 16% Once a month Once a year 13% A few times a month 29% Did You Know? Once every few months 23% ACCORDING TO THE LATEST ABMP MEMBER SURVEY, APPROXIMATELY 72 PERCENT OF ABMP MEMBERS CARRY PERSONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR INSURANCE, OR WANT TO COMPARE PRICES WITH YOUR CURRENT CARRIER, LET US HELP. ABMP HAS PARTNERED WITH SEVERAL PROVIDERS TO OFFER HEALTH COVERAGE OPTIONS AT A DISCOUNT FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. LOG IN TO THE MEMBERS SECTION AT WWW.ABMP.COM TO SEE WHAT PLAN MIGHT WORK FOR YOU. Reader Poll How often do you receive bodywork? A Taste of Your Own Medicine You tell your clients all the time about the benefits of your work, but do you take your own advice? Receiving regular bodywork is a must if you want to last in this profession. California practitioner Jen Alexander suggests you "find a colleague who is competent and who you trust, and trade bodywork sessions with them at least once a month." Other forms of alternative medicine can be helpful as well, such as meditation, tai chi, and yoga. "Tai chi helps strengthen your joints and keeps them mobile," says Brandy Sabin of Washington. "It teaches proper posture and breathing, and allows for more even and fluid movement." Think of it as an extension of the body mechanics you learned in school, and another way to teach yourself how to use your body in an effortless and healthy way. 26 massage & bodywork september/october 2012

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