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READER FORUM KUDOS ABOUND I want to thank ABMP for the cover article in Massage & Bodywork ("Balancing Act," July/August 2012, page 56)—I'm a dual practitioner myself, with a full-time practice and a singing/performance career. For awhile there, I was mighty conflicted, but now I've discovered how they complement one another. I couldn't do one without the other, and I love my life because I can do both of these things (just not—ever—at the same time). KRISTEN BURKHOLDER NORTHPORT, MAINE A friend came over recently and saw Massage & Bodywork on my table and exclaimed, "Wow, are you a member of ABMP?" Yes, indeed. I love the way you integrate the unseen into the physical. As we know, there is a lot that lies beneath the surface of what we see (or think we see). Your magazine has melded the subtle realms of the ethereal aspect of the bodyworker to the recipient in a way that I really like. You empower the bodyworker to use their intuition while maintaining respect for the individual needs of each client. It is the way you present massage that has taken it out of the "parlors." It was like what Buddha said: "Believe nothing unless it rings true within your own self." Please know you elevate. GERRY MEAGHER NEW JERSEY @WORK Once again, thank you ABMP! The occupation-specific article series [@Work] is a terrific idea! Whitney Lowe's "Fretting Over Musicians' Injuries?" article in the January/ February issue [page 100] really got to me. On a recent trip to see family on the East Coast, I was horrified to learn that a dear friend who lived to play music can no longer play even a single song. While geography keeps me from helping him on an ongoing basis (although, of course, I recommended he get treatment from a local practitioner), I'm now inspired to combine this experience, Lowe's article, and the practice-building suggestions in the November/December issue to offer complimentary/upgrade certificates at my local music store (Strategy #6 [Give Away 200 Gift Certificates] in "6 Steps to Build a Better Practice," by Eric Brown, page 34). Thank you again for everything you do to help me build and maintain a strong, vibrant practice. ANA SNYDER GLENDALE, ARIZONA SCALENE SCUTTLEBUTT In the article "Scalenes" by Christy Cael in the May/June issue of Massage & Bodywork [page 45], I believe she was incorrect in defining the scalenes as originating at the "transverse processes of C3–6 (anterior), C2–7 (middle), and C5–7 (posterior)" and inserting down to the "upper edge of the first rib (anterior and middle) and lateral surface of second rib (posterior)." She has the origins and insertions backward. They, along with the sternocleidomastoid, are unusual muscles, as they reach upward. LOIS CRANE DEL MAR, CALIFORNIA AUTHOR RESPONSE Several resources, including Kendall's Muscles: Testing and Function with Posture and Pain, Floyd's Manual of Structural Kinesiology, and Stedman's Medical Dictionary, agree that the scalenes originate on the cervical transverse processes and insert on the first and second ribs. This is such a great example of the controversy in using terms like origin and insertion rather than attachment. The scalene muscles have the capability of pulling the neck into lateral flexion when the ribs are fixed, or lifting the first and second rib to assist with inhalation when the neck is fixed. Recognizing both functions is essential to manual therapists in understanding how both neck posture and breathing patterns have an impact on this group of muscles. I find recognizing the transverse processes as the origin of the scalenes useful in illuminating the structural reality that the shoulder girdle is suspended from the axial skeleton. I think this is important when addressing the underlying cause of pathologies such as thoracic outlet syndrome and neurological issues in the cervical spine. So, the good news is that we agree on the general attachment points of this muscle group, and our conversation about which qualifies as origin or insertion reminds us that anatomy is still a dynamic area of study. I always appreciate the feedback and welcome varying views. CHRISTY CAEL Visit the newly designed Log in. Explore. Enjoy. 15