Massage & Bodywork

September/October 2012

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{ " I have been teaching pre- and perinatal massage for thirty years, and this system does it all! It is the first system designed specifically to comfortably support and stabilize every body part when side lying. My elderly, medical and overweight folks like it too! Author of Pre- and Perinatal Massage Therapy, 2e 2008 AMTA National Teacher of the Year 2010 Massage Therapy Hall of Fame Member Carole Osborne " How can we support you? OAKWORKS Educational SEriES Over 100 free educational videos show you a wide array of different approaches to your work. They are also a great way to learn more about teachers and professionals in the massage field who can help take your career to the next level. CHECK THEM OUT! Scan the QR code with your mobile device and it will direct you to the videos on our NEW Blog Call: 717.235.6807 The Professional's Choice Let's talk! © OAKWORKS, Inc. 2012 ® I support Oakworks because Oakworks supports us! OAKWORKS® SIDE LYING POSITIONING SYSTEM ASSEMBLED BY HAND IN THE USA Free {

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