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EDUCATION RESOURCE LISTING Institute of Somatic Therapy 417-589-0314 Instant CEs! Free sample online course. You can enroll today, take your course and test online, and print your certificate immediately. Save money with a hassle- free, instant-results online CE experience. Valid for NCBTMB, Florida, and New York, as well as for ABMP. Courses available include pregnancy, infant, doula, fertility, ethics, research, diversity, and much more. Log on now! Zero Balancing 410-381-8956 WORK DEEPLY WITH EASE. Zero Balancing (ZB) is a revolutionary touch therapy approach that balances and aligns the entire musculoskeletal system. Learn deep touch and gentle joint manipulations derived from ZB founder Fritz Smith, MD's practice of osteopathy, Rolfing, and acupuncture. NCBTMB approved. Visit for courses and certification. Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 800-458-2267 Free CE hours are available to ABMP members for 100+ on-demand webinars. Presenters include Massage & Bodywork authors Ben Benjamin, Kristin Coverly, Til Luchau, Dr. Joseph Muscolino, Thomas Myers, Douglas Nelson, Ruth Werner, and more. NCBTMB approved. Innersource 541-482-1800 Eden Energy Medicine Can Boost Your Effectiveness with Your Clients. Learn ways to incorporate effective EEM techniques into your practice to promote health and resilience, reduce pain and strengthen the immune system by balancing the energies in your clients. From short Basic Training courses to 2-Year Certification, NCBTMB and FL CE Broker Approved. XPECore Institute 850-222-8673 2017 XPECORE Sports Bodywork Certification & Clinical Mentorship Program Training takes place Jan, Feb, Mar, and Jul in Boca Raton, providing manual therapy for college football athletes at XPE's NFL combine prep and XPE's NFL off-season prep with NFL Combine Athletes. We are developing a national team to work with professional, Olympic, and elite collegiate athletes in every major sport. Classes were approved by NCBTMB and the Florida CE Broker for 48 CEs. Mind & Body Inc Synergetic™ Myofascial Therapy 601-500-0337 SMT - Synergetic™ Myofascial Therapy - Live and home-study CE courses New Orleans, Memphis, Nashville, Atlanta, Savannah, Orlando, Tampa, Raleigh & more. Learn easy to use, deep & superficial myofascial techniques that are gentler on your body. SMT is based on Magnus's advanced training in Structural Integration - KMI/Guild. Approved CE Provider for NCBTMB, GA & FL CE Broker, MS, LA and AL. 2017 CE schedule is at Magnus Eklund is not a Rolfer™ nor does he teach Rolfing™. His CE workshops are not affiliated with KMI nor the Guild. Do you have a favorite study buddy? They do! .com/examcoach www. The future of massage test prep is here. Society of Ortho-Bionomy International 317-536-0064 Ortho-Bionomy ® : Do more with less effort and less strain on your body. Pain and tension relief through gentle, deeply effective bodywork therapy; direct, indirect & energetic techniques stimulate the body's reflexes and self-healing mechanisms. The Society of Ortho-Bionomy International ® provides workshops & training programs, including NCBTMB-approved continuing education, including Ethics.