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C h e c k o u t A B M P 's l a t e s t n e w s a n d b l o g p o s t s . Av a i l a b l e a t w w w. a b m p . c o m . 113 Holsters for Healers Designed and crafted by a massage therapist for massage therapists, these holsters are constructed with cotton webbing and are reinforced with a double layer underneath for extra strength. Polyester/cotton thread provides a functional accent. The 2-inch wide belts are comfortable and supportive; they include metal sliders to ensure a perfect fit and strong, lightweight metal buckles. A single holster sells for $35 at or 757-202-6068. Pain Neuroscience Posters OPTP partnered with physical therapist Adriaan Louw and created a set of four posters focused on pain education. Featuring the content and illustrations of Adriaan Louw's client education books, the 17¾" x 24" posters explain the principles behind the neuroscience of pain. The poster set includes four titles: The Brain's Pain Meeting, The Body's Alarm System, The Pain Cycle, and Tissues: Did You Know? The set is available to professionals for $29.95 at or 888-819-0121. Robanda Spa Robes Robanda International offers affordable style for your clients. Nestled in a white velour or waffle-weave robe, your clients will be wrapped in comfort. These 100 percent cotton robes come in cases of 12; velour is $39.95/each and waffle weave is $29.95/each. Visit product-category/linens-textiles or call 800-783-9969. Every Body Tells a Story Authors Liz Kalinowska and Daska Hatton take us through an illuminating overview of 10 craniosacral treatment sessions offering helpful insights into the subtleties of the client-therapist relationship. Taken from real-life experience, the perspectives of the client, therapist, and authors can help bodyworkers refine therapeutic skills and set them on the path to becoming more intuitive therapists. Available for $24.95 at

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