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functional anatomy BY CHRISTY CAEL BRACHIORADIALIS Brachioradialis is a large muscle that spans the lateral forearm. The muscle belly is superficial and broad near its origin on the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus, then tapers to form a strong tendon before inserting on the radial styloid process. The hand and wrist flexors, located on the anterior forearm, and extensors, located on the posterior forearm, are separated by the brachioradialis. Since the brachioradialis is typically large and superficial, it serves as a useful, orienting muscular landmark. Functionally, brachioradialis works with the biceps BRACHIORADIALIS Attachments • Origin: Lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus • Insertion: Radial styloid process Actions • Flexes elbow • Pronates forearm from supinated to neutral • Supinates forearm from pronated to neutral Innervation • Radial nerve • C5–T1 brachii and brachialis to flex the elbow. Unlike the other two muscles, the brachioradialis originates rather than inserts near the humeroulnar joint. This arrangement, along with its broad attachment to the humerus, makes the brachioradialis very strong at the elbow joint. It is an essential prime mover for lifting and carrying heavy loads, like buckets, grocery bags, suitcases, and wheelbarrows. The brachioradialis is strongest when the forearm is in a neutral position. This "thumbs-up" position aligns the muscle origin on the lateral edge of the humerus with the insertion on the radial styloid process near the wrist. Because it is so strong, when these landmarks are aligned, the brachioradialis will assist with pronation or supination in an effort to return the forearm to neutral. Here, it works synergistically with the pronator teres and pronator quadratus, or biceps brachii and supinator, to rotate the forearm. Repetitive use in these motions, as is common with gardeners, hair stylists, mechanics, and plumbers, may result in inflammation and pain in any of these muscles, including the brachioradialis. tune in to your practice at ABMPtv 89