Massage & Bodywork

November/December 2011

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42 GET DOCTOR REFERRALS Believe it or not, it's not that difficult to build bridges with physicians. This expert says the secret lies in being persistent, prepared, and professional. BY IRENE DIAMOND 50 DISASTER-PROOF YOUR BUSINESS Come hail or high water, your practice must be safe from natural disasters. Follow these easy, helpful steps to safeguarding your records and your income. BY WILLIAM J. LYNOTT 54 COOPERATIVE COMPETITION In tough times, it helps to remember that one MT's success benefits the profession. Read this consultant's wisdom about how to partner with others toward success. BY FELICIA BROWN 62 THE FELDENKRAIS METHOD Birthed in the 1980s, this movement therapy can help today's practitioners and clients develop a broader repertoire of physical, mental, and emotional activity. BY LYNDA MCCULLOUGH THE LATERAL LINES The founder of Anatomy Trains discusses the Lateral Lines, how they operate independently and complement the Superficial Back and Front Lines. BY THOMAS MYERS 72 BODYREADING THE MERIDIANS: THIS ISSUE'S COVER WAS INSPIRED BY WORDLE.NET. WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO VISIT THE SITE AND CREATE YOUR OWN. ENTER INSPIRATIONAL WORDS THAT MOVE YOU, PRINT IT OUT, AND FRAME IT SOMEWHERE IN YOUR PRACTICE.

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