Massage & Bodywork

November/December 2011

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education resource listing Contact Angie Parris-Raney at 800-458-2267, ext. 641, or for more information. Visit for a calendar of CEU listings. ASSOCIATED BODYWORK & MASSAGE PROFESSIONALS 25188 Genesee Trail Road, Suite 200 Golden, CO 80401 800-458-2267 Meet your CE requirements with ABMP's new online courses. Interactive, on-demand courses developed by leaders in the profession. Courses include Therapist Boundaries, Client Interviews, Enriching Relaxation, and Stone Massage. ABMP members receive discounts and a free myofascial course. NCBTMB approved. ROLF INSTITUTE® OF STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION 5055 Chaparral Court, Suite 103 Boulder, CO 80301 303-449-5903 800-530-8875 ADVANCE YOUR PRACTICE WITH ROLFING® STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION The Rolf Institute® instructs and certifies Rolfers™ through its comprehensive training program. Classes start throughout the year. Rolfing® Structural Integration is a form of hands-on manipulation and movement education that systematically reorganizes the fascia to release, realign and balance the whole body. FINANCIAL AID IS AVAILABLE for those who qualify. BACH INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAM PO Box 1277 Sayville, NY 11782 800-334-0843 Bach Flower Remedy Training Enhance the healing benefits of massage while helping your clients address their stress and emotional states. This all natural system is a safe and gentle complement to any modality. Three-tiered training leads to Practitioner Registration with the Bach Centre, UK. Distance learning available. Approved CE provider. SEATTLE EASTSIDE FELDENKRAIS® TEACHER TRAINING 14445 Juanita Dr. NE Kenmore, WA 98028 425-820-0399 professional-training This training is an 800-hour program divided in segments of 2 or 3 weeks over a period of 4 years, to become Certified Feldenkrais Practitioners. The learning is experiential rather than academic; you will understand the relationships between healing, brain function and human movement based on your own discoveries. EDEN ENERGY MEDICINE W/ SARAH OWEN MS LPC Dallas, Philadelphia and Nationally 910 538-8115 Increase your practice while decreasing your work with Eden Energy Medicine! Certification program begins spring 2011 & 2012 Dallas and Philadelphia. Offer faster, more complete healing, pain and stress relief using light touch EEM. Get simple exercises to share with clients. 24 CEUs each Classes 1 & 2! SCHOOL OF SHIATSU & MASSAGE Box 889 Middletown, CA 95461 800-693-3296 Recognized as one of the world's premier learning institutes for aquatic and land- based healing arts, we offer programs designed to integrate personal growth and a strong foundation in technique. Choose weekend classes, or week-long intensives, Practitioner and Therapist programs. Licensed by California BPPVE, approved CE provider by NCBTMB and CBRN. Contact us today! INSTITUTE OF SOMATIC THERAPY PO Box 190 Conway, MO 65632 417-589-0314 866-328-9703 Instant CEs. Enroll today, take the course and test online, print your own certificate immediately. Visit Institute of Somatic Therapy to earn your first CE free. Then relax and enjoy the peace of mind that a hassle-free, instant results CE experience can bring. NCBTMB approved. Course topics include ethics, pregnancy and infant massage, spa, stone, reflexology, aromatherapy, and more. Log on now! VISIONARY EDUCATION W/ NANCY E. SCHMITT 4178 Linglestown Road Harrisburg, PA 17112 717-540-5110 Melding ancient healing technique (massage, touch point, mindfulness, energy and more) with scientific perspective, Nancy Schmitt, author of Aviana (Life) Touch Therapy and other NCBTMB Certification Courses shares her "Turn No One Away" therapies and entrepreneurial courses. Strengthen your energetic foundation, unleash inner perfection, respond to clients as a whole person. Continuing Education Program State-Approved Massage Therapy Program Both ZERO BALANCING 8640 Guilford Road, Ste 241 Columbia, MD 21046 410-381-8956 Zero Balancing uses skilled touch to address the relationship between energy & structures of the body. Practitioners use finger pressure & gentle traction on areas of tension in the bones, joints & soft tissue to create points of balance around which the body can relax & reorganize. Sessions last 30-45 minutes; clients are clothed. Certification & classes available nationwide. NCBTMB approved. 122 massage & bodywork november/december 2011

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