Massage & Bodywork

November/December 2011

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body awareness BY BARB FRYE MINDFUL HANDS We need to stay proactive in taking good care of our hands. From quality of life to diversity of choice in the modalities you practice, now is a great time to be a massage and bodywork professional. I'm sure you've heard it said that being a massage therapist is the best job in town. To help ensure our prosperity and longevity, we will spend the next few columns focusing on the tools of our trade—our hands. The percentage of work-related injuries for massage therapists is still extremely high, with the hands incurring the most damage. Given the ever-growing potential of the massage and bodywork profession, we need to stay proactive in taking good care of our hands. The following points will bring more awareness to how you use your hands and will help you to apply mindfulness when you do. USE DIFFERENT PARTS OF YOUR HANDS Mindfully using different parts of both hands throughout a session prevents overuse of any one part. Try to become more ambidextrous (using both hands with equal skill). Typically, injuries occur when one or two parts of the same hand are overused. Become comfortable with switching between both hands to decrease the chance of overuse. Take time to practice using your less dominant hand for applying techniques. CONSCIOUSLY USE YOUR LESS ACTIVE HAND Bring awareness to how you use your less dominant hand. Without conscious awareness, this hand may endure considerable stress. For example, using one hand to apply deep pressure and unconsciously bracing the other hand against the client or table can put the wrist joint in a compromised position—typically overextension. A healthier approach is to consciously use the less active hand as a reinforcement hand. It can support the dominant hand by reinforcing a neutral (straight) positioning of your wrist joint, or it can support your client by touching another part of the body. RETHINK YOUR BODY POSITION When working in a certain position, be aware if it creates hand discomfort. For example, standing at a certain angle while applying pressure to your client's back may cause pain in your wrists. If so, change your position. Find a standing or sitting position that allows your wrists to maintain neutral alignment. ADJUST THE CLIENT'S POSITION Prone, supine, side-lying, and sitting are all viable options for the client throughout your session. Your client's position, however, should be comfortable for both of you. For example, if your portable table is set too low for a supine or prone position, turn your client to a side-lying position. This changes the height of the body, making it much more comfortable for you to work. Thinking about your work from an ergonomic perspective can help you alleviate this situation. Ask yourself: how can I bring my work to me, rather than conforming to the work? 106 massage & bodywork november/december 2011

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