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NEED IT? FIND IT HERE ad index ABMP ....................... 22, 104 Academy of Lymphatic Studies ...... 47 Aesthetic Video Source ........... 165 Agua Alma ......................... 158 Alignment Technique .............. 97 Arvigo Institute ..................... 150 Ashiatsu Bar Therapy .............. 97 At Peace Media ................... 27 Aura Cacia ........................ 65 Bancroft School of Massage Therapy Bastyr University ................. 160 ................. 95, 151 Bellanina Institute ................ 108 Benjamin Institute .................124 Bindi Skincare .................... 105 Biofreeze/Performance Health ....13, 41 Biotone ....................... .IFC-1 Body Support Systems ..............51 Body Therapy Institute Bodywork for the Childbearing Year Boulder College of Massage Therapy Bowenwork Freedom from Pain Institute ........ 89 G-Jo ............................. 39 Golden Light Pranic Healing .........161 Green River Dance for Global Somatics Got Your Back ..................... 9 .................. 156 Hands-On Aromatherapy .......... 108 Harmonious Life Institute ...........71 Hawaiian Temple Bodywork ......... 95 Heartwood Institute Novato Institute .................... 158 Oakworks ........................2-3 One 8 Publishing ................. 166 Oregon School of Massage ..........161 Pacific College of Oriental Medicine Pre- and Perinatal Massage Therapy ................. 157 Holistic Alliance, The ...............17 Hughes Henshaw ................. 164 Information for People ............. 95 Innerpeace ....................... 165 Institute for Health & Healing Institute for Integrative Healthcare ............ 161 ................. 152 Boiance ..........................125 ................. 159 ......................... 152 Breema Center, The .............. 165 CARE International Claire Marie Miller Seminars ................. 150 Carpe Diem Strategies ............ 164 Cell Charge ...................113, 163 Colorado School of Healing Arts Cortiva Institute Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy .............. 117, 152, 153 ............. .123, 159 ................. 159 ..............39, 153 Curties-Overzet Publications ........91 Day-Break Geriatric Massage .......125 Deep Tissue Massage .............. 47 Earthlite Massage Tables .........7, BC Elements Therapeutic Massage .....131 Feldenkrais Resources Institute of Integrative Aromatherapy ......................... 157 ................. .151 Push Trainings .....................81 Scherer Institute .................... 160 School of Shiatsu & Massage, Harbin Watsu Ctr ........ 156 ................123, 156 .................... 150 Institute of Psycho–Structural Balancing ......................... 158 Institute of Somatic Therapy . . 69, 156 Jeana Naluai .................. 117, 164 Jojoba Co, The ................... IBC Kinesis/Anatomy Trains ......141, 150 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ....... 67 Massage & Bodywork ............. 166 Massage Marketing ............... 165 Massage Online Professor ......... 166 Massage Publications .............. 27 Massage Review Publications ..............35, 163-166 Massage Supply ................... 47 Massage Therapy Foundation ....... 117 ...............101 My Receptionist ...................125 Myofascial Release Seminars .....57, 101 Myokinesthetic System ............ 109 NCBTMB ........................ 23 ............... 153 Fibromyalgia Aware ............... 108 New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics New York College of Health Professions .............. 160 ................. 160—for you and your clients 167 . ................ 158 Serenity Music .................... 39 Set-N-Me-Free Aloe Company ...... 73 Sew & Sew ........................163 Society of Ortho-Bionomy ...........151 Sombra Cosmetics ..............61, 145 Spa Bodywork .....................123 Spa Luna Holistic School ............ 159 Steamy Wonder ................... 27 Stronglite .........................121 Swedish Institute .....................161 Take My Registration .............. 72 Tallgrass Publishers ............... 166 Talus Corp ........................ 85 Tao Trading ....................... 79 Thai Bodywork ....................123 Trager International ..................151 Universal Companies ...........37, 139 Upledger Institute ............77, 157 WaterColors ...................... 97 Zen Shiatsu Chicago Zero Balancing EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE SECTION Both Continuing Ed Program State-Approved Massage Therapy Program ................ 160 ..................... 157