Massage & Bodywork

September/October 2008

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ten for today BY NAOMI MANNINO TECH-SAVVY WAYS TO CONNECT WITH CLIENTS High-tech is hot. You need to be connected to your clients, who are connected to their cell phone, laptops, Blackberries, etc. Learn how your clients prefer for you to communicate with them—by phone, e-mail, and/ or text message—and take advantage of technology to boost your business in a cost-effective manner. 1. CREATE A FULL SERVICE WEBSITE Update it often with news, pictures, new services, and monthly specials. Offer online gift certificates, coupons, online scheduling, and anything else to make your site interactive, appealing, and easy-to-use. Be sure it includes your contact information for any and all communication methods you use regularly. Various companies, such as Bodywork Sites (www. offer website creation services; you may also be eligible for a free website through your membership status in a professional association, such as Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals ( Online scheduling functions can be added through www. or 2. OPTIMIZE YOUR WEBSITE FOR SEARCH ENGINES Submit your website/URL—free of charge—to search engines, so they know your site exists. Include appropriate keywords and a description in your website program. Submission sites for major engines include Google ( submit_content.html), Yahoo (https:// submit), and MSN (http://search. For added visibility, consider a sponsored search, such as Google AdWords ( MARKETING PROGRAM Create your own marketing materials or work with companies such as Massage Marketing (www.massagemarketing. com) that can help you construct all elements of a complete campaign, including blogs, e-mail newsletters, or other support. Services like www. and www.spaclientele. com have great blogs that offer free do- it-yourself marketing suggestions, too. 3. 98 massage & bodywork september/october 2008 COORDINATE A COMPREHENSIVE

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