Massage & Bodywork

May/June 2011

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news notes COMPILED BY SEAN EADS The NCCAM strategic plan, "Exploring the Science of MASSAGE ENVY EDUCATES Complementary and Alternative Medicine," has five strategic objectives. CONSUMERS Massage Envy, the largest single employer of massage therapists in the United States, is launching a $10 million advertising campaign, "For ME." The campaign includes print and web advertising, outdoor billboards, and television and radio spots. The ads are designed to highlight the many different types of people who seek massage, including working moms, teachers, and weekend warriors. Massage Envy currently employs 16,000 massage therapists in 650 locations across 43 states. In Memoriam Réal Gaboriault, PhD, died at home on March 6, 2011, at age 60. His memorial was held March 14. He is survived by his wife, Judith Thoral. Gaboriault was the research director at the Canadian Touch Research Centre and cofounder of Kiné-Concept Institute in Montreal, Quebec. He brought a delightful insight to the profession. Those who attended his International Symposium of the Science of Touch gatherings in 2002 and 2004 saw his passion and dedication on display. He will also be remembered for coordinating a biennial award in tribute to his late mentor, Ashley Montagu. Gaboriault presented the honor to Tiffany Field, PhD (2004), Hans Axelson (2006), and Daniel Cherkin, PhD (2008), for "demonstrated exceptional devotion to the advancement of touch in the world." Third Strategic Plan for NCCAM The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) announced its third strategic plan, designed to determine funding priorities through 2015. The plan, "Exploring the Science of Complementary and Alternative Medicine," has five strategic objectives, including advancing research on CAM natural products, improving the capacity of CAM practitioners to carry out rigorous research, and increasing the understanding of real world patterns of CAM use and their integration into health care. NCCAM was founded in 1998 to be the US government's lead agency in CAM-based medical research. View the plan at http:// 14 massage & bodywork may/june 2011 For facials help balance it all. , massages and

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