Massage & Bodywork

September/October 2011

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42 ADDRESS FIBROMYALGIA The wealth of information on how to ease this condition is daunting and conflicting. Here are some guidelines for practitioners who seek to help their affected clients. BY CARA MCGUINNESS WITH CONFIDENCE 48 UNDERSTANDING THE HEALING PROCESS The more you know about how the body repairs damaged tissue, the better equipped you are to empower its natural recovery process with massage. BY CHRISTY CAEL 54 BULL RIDING & BODYWORK Talk about hazardous sports! The nation's top bull riders and their massage therapists partner to keep these rough and tumble professionals healthy and riding high. BY REBECCA JONES 62 ENERGY AND THE INTEGRATIVE VISION This leading educator writes about the rich synergies possible when practitioners and clients blend art and science, energy and structure, and health and care. BY DAVID LAUTERSTEIN THE SUPERFICIAL BACK LINE The founder of Anatomy Trains continues his analysis of the meridians, discussing the impact of the Superficial Back Line as it complements the Superficial Front Line. BY THOMAS MYERS 70 BODYREADING THE MERIDIANS: TUNE IN, TURN IT UP, AND ENJOY. IT'S ABMPtv! FINALLY, A CHANNEL TUNED IN TO THE NEEDS OF YOUR PRACTICE.

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