Massage & Bodywork

May/June 2012

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WHAT'S INSIDE? MAY/JUNE 2012 FEATURES 60 MARKETING FOR INTROVERTS You can build a successful practice—your own way. By Esther Pearson 66 10 BENEFITS OF A SIDE-LYING POSITION This isn't just for pregnant clients. It can be your secret weapon. By Shari Auth 72 BABY BUMP Expecting a little one or planning a leave? These insights can help. By JoAnna Haugen THE VALUE OF SHARING YOUR VALUES Today's clients want to feel good about who they do business with. Sharing a little bit about who you are and how you give back can help strengthen that client-therapist bond. By Michelle Blake 52 82 MIND-BODY MEDICINE Use these techniques to bring relaxation to you and your clients. By Kathy Gruver 88 THE QI PATH Learn more about the Western path to blending massage and qigong. By Lynda McCullough 127 WHAT TYPES OF SECOND JOBS DO MTs HOLD? 127

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