Massage & Bodywork

May/June 2012

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visit about using, companies you're thinking about doing business with, or products you're thinking about buying. You can do a Google search for someone's name and come up with all kinds of information, including (if you're willing to pay for it) criminal record reports, where he has lived for the past 20 years, and who handles his phone service. Websites exist just for the purpose of the public giving reviews on people and companies with which they've dealt. According to the top market-research companies, such review sites have a huge infl uence on consumer behavior and shopping habits. One caveat is that most of these review websites allow people to post anything without any kind of verifi cation of the facts, leaving open the possibility of false negative reviews posted by competitors or disgruntled former employees. If your research on review sites reveals mostly positive reviews with just a few How do you know if that person claiming to be an expert actually is one, or just someone who wants your hard-earned cash? Celebrate ABMP's 25th anniversary and you may win a refund on your membership. 25

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