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Traditional cupping's contemporary counterparts— largely known today as vacuum manual therapies— are being readily assimilated into progressive medical facilities, right along with the spa and massage fields. While the modern applications of this tool have evolved from its ancient origins, the development of vacuum manual therapies over the last few decades has largely increased the scope of applications for this simple tool and made it more accessible to today's health-care providers. 66 m a s s a g e & b o d y w o r k j u l y / a u g u s t 2 0 1 6 Medical Applications for Vacuum Manual Therapy MEDICAL APPLICATIONS There are a variety of medical applications for today's vacuum manual therapies. Some of these include: 1. Mastectomies, breast health, reconstruction—expanders, dense breast tissue. 2. Surgical preparation and recovery; injury recovery. 3. Lymphatic liquefaction—bariatric and lymphatic issues. 4. Burns and scars—keloid, hypertrophic. Applications such as these require extensive study of medical massage techniques and assessment, along with training and experience in vacuum manual therapies. A therapist working with these conditions needs to be in direct contact with the client's health-care providers to ensure proper protocols and recognition of contraindications. Let's take a look at some specific uses for vacuum manual therapies. By Anita Shannon