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C h e c k o u t A B M P 's l a t e s t n e w s a n d b l o g p o s t s . Av a i l a b l e a t w w w. a b m p . c o m . 31 SAVVY SELF-CARE best practices What Are Your 5 Points? Create Your Blueprint for Life By Jennie Hastings Self-care is a lifelong journey that entails many things. As healing practitioners, we need to consider self-care on every level: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Because we are massage therapists and bodyworkers, we have deeply considered physical health in our education and practice, so I tend to pursue nonphysical forms of self-care in this column. I feel like it is the place where we can all use the most help. I recently attended a presentation given by Gopi Kallayil, who is the chief evangelist, brand marketing at Google, a yoga teacher, and author of The Internet to the Inner-Net (Hay House, 2015). During his lecture, he said, "The most important technology is within us—our brain, body, and consciousness." The foundation of his message was about how, at a crossroads in his life, he created a set of five personal guidelines, or five points, that he now uses to keep himself on track. Kallayil's five points are: focus on the essential, do one thing at a time, practice one minute of mindfulness every day, make appointments for mindfulness in your calendar and make them nonnegotiable, and friend yourself. Kallayil is a busy Google executive,

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