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SPEAK YOUR MIND Tell us about an "oops" moment in your practice. FROM FACEBOOK Like the time a hot, oily stone slipped out of my hand and dropped onto the back of my clients head? He was not injured, but I was really embarrassed. JOE STRUNK Exclaiming "Pay no attention to your fumbling therapist" in my best Monty Python voice when stumbling over a nearby bench while maneuvering around the massage table to better position myself for the work. My client raised her head, saw I was OK, and then we both laughed profusely. In my defense, it was the fi rst time I had worked in that particular room. NANCY J. CAMPBELL When you drop the oil and the client picks it up for you ... LAUREN DANIELLE BASSLER FROM TWITTER Walking in on a client lying naked on the table, even though I stated for them to be face-up under the blanket and sheet. @GLENNHERBERTLMT I lost my schedule once so I had to sit in my offi ce waiting for clients. That's when I switched to online booking. @EMERGEMASSAGE Gloves? No gloves? When have you had to make this choice when working with clients? Publication Date: Sept/Oct Do you trade services with other MTs or health-care workers? How often and how do you make it work? Publication Date: Nov/Dec Email your responses to Your submission can be as short as you'd like and up to 250 words. Upcoming Topics FROM I showed up at a client's house without my massage table! Oops! I left it in the hallway at the chiropractor's offi ce where I worked part time. Luckily, it was still there when I remembered where it was. ABBY DIAMOND "Alright, just follow me to the room, and ... I forgot to change the table. OK, so just follow me to this other room here, and we'll get started." MORGAN ROWANWAIF C h e c k o u t A B M P 's l a t e s t n e w s a n d b l o g p o s t s . Av a i l a b l e a t w w w. a b m p . c o m . 19