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technique ENERGY WORK There are hundreds of subtle energy processes you can use in your massage practice. So, how best can you sort through the myriad subtle energy techniques available? Well, you don't necessarily have to. There is a simple technique I use every session, no matter the client concern. I call it "Spirit-to-Spirit," and you'll learn how to perform it near the end of this column. Of course, I might still pull additional practices out of my Mary Poppins bag, when necessary. These modalities, which include auric field clearing, chakra balancing, herbalism, meridian analysis, toning, and a long list of other practices, are more powerful when I've already started the session with my "one-size-fits-all" or "cookie-cutter" technique. HOW THE SPIRIT CAN BENEFIT YOUR PRACTICE Before I introduce you to this process, I'd like to cover the six objectives that can be met by the Spirit-to-Spirit technique. I've developed this technique over the 25 years I've been doing energy work. It accomplishes the following goals: 1. Makes Sure the Practitioner's "Best," or Most Conscious Self, Conducts the Session Sometimes it's hard to compensate for our humanity. We all have off days and situations that trigger our painful issues. Still, we strive to show up as the most conscious and conscientious healer we can be. C h e c k o u t A B M P 's l a t e s t n e w s a n d b l o g p o s t s . Av a i l a b l e a t w w w. a b m p . c o m . 105 2. Calls Forth the "Best," or Most Conscious Aspect, of the Client While a client might truly desire improvement, there might be other aspects of her personality sabotaging the process. For instance, I once had a client with multiple sclerosis who was a step away from remission. One day, she looked at me and said, "I don't want to get well. If I do, my husband will leave me." With this statement, she immediately took a turn for the worse. If possible, we want to engage the aspect of a client that honestly seeks positive change. Spirit-to-Spirit A Cookie-Cutter Subtle Energy Technique By Cyndi Dale

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