Massage & Bodywork

January/February 2009

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FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT WWW.ARVIGOMASSAGE. COM AND WWW.THEARTOFBODYWORK.COM. "My clients love when I study new modalities, because they know they will benefit from it." Loretta Young, Maya abdominal massage practitioner therapist will address the abdomen in this manner and focus on a critical area for the athlete—their core," she says. "Football players, basketball players, tennis players, martial artists—I've worked with them all. Every athlete understands the concept of working from their core—this is where all movement should originate from. This technique addresses the diaphragm for deeper breathing and alignment of the pelvis, in addition to improving blood and lymph flow. Being able to release restrictions in the abdomen will also result in great benefits for the lower back." THE THERAPEUTIC EDGE According to her teacher, Young is typical of the massage therapist looking for an edge on business by offering a specific therapeutic modality, such as the Arvigo techniques of Maya abdominal massage. "These techniques add a holistic approach, including emotional healing, to a practice," Arvigo says. "Most therapists avoid the 'vulnerable area' in and around the abdomen, however, our techniques train practitioners to massage the abdomen, Loretta Young, pictured here with Rosita Arvigo (left), says her experience learning Maya abdominal massage in Belize was life changing. releasing stored emotions, realigning misplaced organs to improve overall health and wellness of digestive and reproductive systems, and improving musculo-skeletal alignment." Today, at least 90 percent of Young's new clients are seeing her specifically for Maya abdominal massage. And noting its therapeutic value, Young says she makes sure to offer some core work to all her clients. "All clients receive some abdominal work, because in my opinion, there is a connection with whatever else may be going on in their body." While Maya abdominal massage has changed how Young practices, she credits continuing education, as a whole, with helping her be a viable and successful practitioner. "Continuing education has been my key to keeping ahead in this field and the more I learn, the more I can bring to the table," she says. "My clients love when I study new modalities, because they know they will benefit from it." And therein lies the true bottom line. Massage & Bodywork magazine. Contact her at Karrie Osborn is contributing editor for visit for a calendar of ceu listings 133

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