Massage & Bodywork

MAY | JUNE 2016

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C h e c k o u t A B M P 's l a t e s t n e w s a n d b l o g p o s t s . Av a i l a b l e a t w w w. a b m p . c o m . 115 CONTINUING EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Ashiatsu in Hawaii 2 day CE course. Expand your practice techniques, be inspired to try something different, yet the same. 1-3 students per class. NCBTMB approved provider. www.abbyparkerlmt.massagetherapy .com Thank you! HOME STUDY COURSES INSTANT CEs with Shirley Knapp Energy Healing Developing Your Intuition Ethics of Energy Healing Healing the Healer; 828-736-7100 NCBTMB #450819-08, FL & GA CeBroker #50-15726 NC Cosmetic Arts Approved FOOT REFLEXOLOGY WORKSHOPS 60 CEU $100 contribution All funds go to the Giving Touch Scholarship Fund For Single Mothers and others of need The Giving Touch Contact Jeff Cunningham at 800-458-2267, ext. 1672, or for more advertising information. CLASSIFIEDS PRODUCTS & SUPPLIES NEED AN EXTRA HAND? The SACRO WEDGY® isolates, cradles, and elevates the sacrum, placing it in a neutral position—similar to how the hand is used in a variety of techniques. Great for self-care or rehab to help relieve sciatica, back pain, poor posture, and more. Retails for $33.95 with professional discounts available. Free info at 800-737-9295 or FOR SALE SYNERGETIC TM MYOFASCIAL THERAPY Magnus Eklund LMT 144, BCSI TM , KMI Certifi ed Structural Integrator, Guild S.I. Advanced Practitioner SMT DVD Series Instructional 7-Disc Set $259 Available on Amazon, eBay & 2016 Workshops • New Orleans • Atlanta • Nashville • Memphis • Destin, FL • Jackson, MS • Birmingham, AL • Savannah, GA • Columbus, GA • & more 601-500-0337 Approved by NCBTMB and many states Discover the Healing Properties of Aloe We Donate 10% of Annual Profi ts to Children's Charities FOSTERTENCARES.COM BUSINESS SOFTWARE Become a Certifi ed Bodywalker Next class: May 6, Scottsdale, AZ Healthy for Practitioner Avoiding Burnout Maximum Muscle Release for Client, Very Relaxing (602) 275-9177 WWW.BODYWALKING.COM ® MAXIMIZE RECOVERY Reactive Violet Steel Grey Deep Ocean LEARN MORE 800.326.1972 ORDER ONLINE! SELF-THERAPY TRIGGER POINT TOOLS Our stable platform, proprietary design and "Just Right" material takes joint mobilization and pin and stretch techniques to a new level. Reactive Violet techniques to a new level. NEW COLORS AND MASSAGEBLOCKS.COM

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