Massage & Bodywork

MAY | JUNE 2016

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112 m a s s a g e & b o d y w o r k m a y / j u n e 2 0 1 6 NEW PRODUCTS Golden Spiral CD Dean Evenson and Scott Huckabay partner on the latest release from Soundings of the Planet. This harmonic, free-fl owing journey opens the listener to the deeper places in the soul where healing can occur. Atmospheric arrangements, gentle swirls of energy, and rolling rhythms make the music perfect for massage, relaxation, sacred dance, and yoga. Available for $12.99 at Indian Head Massage for Special Needs This technique guide introduces an adapted Indian head-massage practice that helps reduce anxiety and promote well-being in people with special needs, including those on the autism spectrum. Developed by Giuliana Fenwick through work with her son, this 176-page text includes step-by-step, illustrated instructions for a full massage session, as well as information on the theory behind the work. Available for $24.95 from Equinox Table Package This portable massage table package from Oakworks is available in four earth-friendly TerraTouch fabric colors and includes all the essentials, plus an adjustable face rest platform with AeroCel Face Rest Crescent, and carrying case for clean storage and portability. In addition, it includes shiatsu cables and an access end panel, which allows for superb client and therapist positioning. Available for $349 at or 717-235-6807. MB Massage Balls TriggerPoint has three new massage balls tailored for practitioner or client use, each designed for a different degree of desired pressure and hardness. The MB1's foam surface works areas to release discomfort and tightness without pinching or irritating nerves ($14.99). The MB5 is great for anyone needing to release tight shoulders or hips ($24.99). Its 5-inch diameter is designed to address the deeper tissue in the large muscle groups. The extra-fi rm MBX is recommended for dense muscles or anyone who prefers intense compression ($19.99). Available at

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