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Glutes Massage & Bodywork Digital EXTRA j u l y / a u g u s t 2 0 1 5 ASSESSMENT OF THE RECTUS FEMORIS— MODIFIED THOMAS TEST The Modifi ed Thomas Test is an excellent way to identify shortness not only in the rectus femoris but also in the iliopsoas. To test the right rectus femoris, the client adopts the position as demonstrated in Image 5, in which she is holding onto her left leg. The client is asked to pull her left knee toward her chest, as this will posteriorly rotate the innominate bone on that side; this will be the test position. From here, the therapist looks at the position of the client's right knee and right ankle. The angular position of the knee to the ankle should be about 90 degrees; a normal length of the right rectus femoris is shown in Image 5. In Image 6, the therapist demonstrates the position of the right knee compared with the right ankle. Here, it's noted that the lower leg is held in an extended position, which confi rms the tightness of the right rectus femoris. Also notice the position of the hip— it is held in a fl exed position. This indicates a tightness of the iliopsoas. To test the right rectus femoris, the client lies on the table and holds onto her left leg. A normal length of the rectus femoris is shown. The therapist lengthens the adductors. The knee is held in extension, indicating a tight rectus femoris. 5 4 6 he lutes: Digital extra

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