Massage & Bodywork

May | June 2014

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Page 96 of 141

10 RULES to Work By By William J. Lynott Some of the rules of successful small business management deserve to be carved in stone. Though easy to ignore in a booming economy, these time- honored rules are acritical component in building a profitable practice when the going gets tough. Here are 10 business rules that can help you and your practice survive and prosper in this—or any—economy. Rule #1: GET PAID Your bodywork services are valuable and you deserve to be paid appropriately for delivering them. Make sure clients pay at the time of service for their session and any related products they purchase from you. Be proactive and supportive, but persistent. Never allow your accounts receivable to go untended. You've worked hard to educate yourself well and earn that money, and you have a right to it—you need it. Managing late-paying clients may not be your favorite pastime, but close monitoring of your accounts receivable and following through on late payments is as important to your financial success as the quality of the services you offer. If your clients learn that you are casual about collecting money owed to you, they may stretch your patience (and your cash flow) to the limit. Get Paid! 94 m a s s a g e & b o d y w o r k m a y / j u n e 2 0 1 4

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