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BREAKING NEW Don't accept the misconceptions. "Neuropathic pain is a lifelong condition." "Severe neuropathy leads to amputation." "Medication is the only way to reduce the pain." While there are some truths to these statements, especially if the condition is left untreated, neuropathy need not be a lifelong condition, nor does it need to lead to amputation. As a massage therapist, you can profoundly and permanently affect neuropathic symptoms in many of your clients. To do so, you have to be willing to go up against commonly held beliefs, but the results could be life changing. Case studies suggest that frequent application of the treatment protocol and daily self-care outlined here can significantly reduce the painful symptoms associated with neuropathy and enhance quality of life—including reduction of medication levels. Pregangrenous tissue in diabetic patients can be returned to health, and clients who previously lived with extreme foot pain can achieve the full use of pain-free limbs. 82 massage & bodywork january/february 2014