Massage & Bodywork

January | February 2014

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TELL ME … By Abram Herman ABMP Social Media and Marketing Coordinator | ❱❱❱ What can video do for my practice? BOOST YOUR TRAFFIC Another great reason to use video is the search engine optimization boost it can give your online presence. You might not know that YouTube is actually the second largest search engine in the world, right behind Google. "VIDEOS DEFINITELY GET MORE VIEWS AND CLICKS THAN ANY OTHER POSTS, SO IT DRAWS ATTENTION TO MY FACEBOOK PAGE!" —PAULA SHEA, PENNSYLVANIA LET CLIENTS GET TO KNOW THE REAL YOU Using videos for your marketing and client education purposes can give your practice a human face. Let people see the caring, knowledgeable practitioner that will be working with them through the use of video on your website and social media accounts, and it may just be the thing that fi nally convinces them to come in for a visit. "PEOPLE CAN GET A BETTER FEEL FOR YOU AS A PRACTITIONER, AND THIS WILL HELP THEM KNOW THEY'RE IN THE RIGHT PLACE." —MICHELLE WALD, TEXAS SHOWCASE YOUR SKILL Technique demonstrations and video testimonials from happy clients can be powerful visual proof of the quality of your work—seeing is believing, after all. Take advantage of the video format to show, rather than just tell, your clients about the knowledge you've attained and the real-world benefits of your work. You could put together a video showing what your sessions usually look like, or record a video testimonial of a satisfied client describing how your work has helped her. Educate Yourself Videos are useful for educating your clients, but they can also be equally valuable for educating yourself. ABMPtv ( gives you dozens of videos to help you make the most of your ABMP membership. Learn how to incorporate free ABMP client forms into your practice (, get some marketing tips and ideas for a quick boost (, or find out how the ABMP Website Builder can help build ABMP TV your online presence ( Be sure to log in to your ABMP account so you can access even more exclusive, members-only videos on ABMPtv! ❱❱❱ It pays to be ABMP Certified: 21

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