Massage & Bodywork

January | February 2014

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READER FORUM Access the digital edition archives at on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. LONGTIME READERS I've been reading your magazine for 21 years. When I joined, it was called Massage and Bodywork Quarterly with only four issues per year. ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE MARY LAWRENCE VIA FACEBOOK Eight-year M&B reader here! I love the great articles, learning about new and updated techniques, and ways to market myself and my business. Keep up the good work! JENNIFER MARIE VIA FACEBOOK I was told by my mentor 20 years ago that yours was going to be the organization to stick with, the one to be true to the profession. He was right. JENNIFER HASTINGS SCHUNN VIA FACEBOOK I love your magazine! I also love the fact that I can share the other one [Body Sense, ABMP's quarterly magazine for massage clients] with my clients as well as my colleagues. It's so versatile. JENNIFER UPDIKE VIA FACEBOOK ENERGY RELEASE Fantastic article on energy release ["Energy Release and the Art of Self-Protection," November/ December 2013, page 90]. A must-read. We are interested in making massage therapists aware of the Alexander Technique, because many of their clients can benefit from it, and because it can help them sustain their own careers. We are engaged in kinesthetic reeducation— teaching people to stop engaging in habits that hurt them, and instead reconnect with their bodies' natural balance and ease of movement.   Learning the Alexander Technique enables clients to sustain the benefits of massage by not re-creating their tension patterns. Clients get more from their massages as they deepen their knowledge of how their bodies are designed to move. It's also a useful tool to help massage therapists take care of themselves. You do active, demanding work in which your attention is given to helping others. By enhancing your ability to pay attention to how you are using your own body and mind while you help others, the Alexander Technique can help you avoid injury and burnout. The best way to learn about the work is to experience it for yourself, so ask your local Alexander Technique teacher for an exchange. You can find nationwide listings of certified teachers at ABMP's consumer site, www.massagetherapy. com, and at the American Society for the Alexander Technique's website, KAREN G. KRUEGER AND MORGAN RYSDON-MOULITSAS NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK KRISTEN BURKHOLDER VIA TWITTER EMAIL YOUR LETTERS TO EDITOR@ABMP.COM. INCLUDE YOUR FULL NAME AND THE CITY AND STATE CORRECTION The section on electric lift tables in "Strategies for Working with Senior Clients" (November/ December 2013, page 25) contained one inaccuracy. These tables do not automatically bring a federal tax credit, as stated in the article, but may qualify for one in certain circumstances. IN WHICH YOU RESIDE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO EDIT LETTERS FOR LENGTH AND CLARITY. It pays to be ABMP Certified: 11

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