Massage & Bodywork

January | February 2014

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HAPPENINGS January May 16–18 Atlanta, Georgia 877-387-9111, ext. 112 Practitioners, educators, and students can network and learn from top names in the profession at this three-day event. ABMP is proud to be the AMC Global Education Sponsor. Please visit the ABMP booth and say hello while you're at the conference—we would love to meet you! Turn to page 50 in this issue for more information. INTERNATIONAL SALON AND SPA EXPO JANUARY 25–27 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 800-468-2274 WWW.PROBEAUTY.ORG/ISSELB March INTERNATIONAL ESTHETICS, COSMETICS & SPA CONFERENCE MARCH 9–11 NEW YORK, NEW YORK 800-498-6984 WWW.IECSC.COM/NY FACE & BODY MIDWEST MARCH 22–24 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 630-344-6023 WWW.FACEANDBODY.COM April ABMP SCHOOL ISSUES FORUM APRIL 24–26 BOULDER, COLORADO 800-458-2267 WWW.ABMP.COM/FORUM May Find an ABMP Instructors on the Front Lines (IFL) Workshop Near You Nearly 30 dates have been announced for the latest IFL series "Building Communication Skills in Massage Students." INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ESTHETICS & SPA MAY 4–5 DALLAS, TEXAS 800-471-0229 WWW.DALLAS.SKINCARESHOWS.COM ABMP Events & Webinars MAY 7 "TRAUMA: BODY-MIND CONSIDERATIONS FOR HANDS-ON WORK" WEBINAR with Til Luchau Upcoming workshops include: January 24 in Orlando, Florida February 21 in Detroit, Michigan March 7 in Phoenix, Arizona March 21 in Hoboken, New Jersey April 4 in Ontario, California For a complete list of dates and cities, visit www.abmp. com/instructors_on_the_front_lines/index.php. For a complete list of upcoming ABMP webinars, workshops, and other events, visit events_and_continuing_education.php. It pays to be ABMP Certified: 119

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